
Is there a secret plan to sabotage the world food supplies with transgenic foods?

by Guest62319  |  earlier

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Monsanto, genetic mutated foods, dangers of seedless fruits




  1. I don't think it is an evil plan. I think it is an honest attempt to increase production for an increasing population. The demand for food is increasing and the number or people growing it is decreasing.

    In China I've heard 15 million people annually are moving from rural to city. That means fewer people growing their own food and more shopping for it.

    We have a few choices, increase the number of acres farmed, increase productivity of current acres, or decrease the number of people who need food. If we aren't sucessful at one or both of the 1st 2, the 3rd will just happen.

    I personally buy most of my food from organic farms within about 60 miles of my house and am working on growing more myself. If you rely on farms in other countries you give up a lot of control.

  2. They make crops even harder to grow on land, it makes farmers dependent on GM seeds, it has been proven to cause death and stunted growth baby rats (when their mother was fed GM soy), and many other problems that we don't know about yet.  Plus, mixing genes of animals with vegetables is wrong--and now they're using human genes too!

    Is this unintentional?  Then why did take a Russian scientist to report that GM soy kills?? (Humans are stronger and different from rats, so the effects of GM soy may take longer.)

  3. Oh, for heaven's sake.

    Is everything a conspiracy in your world?  Why on earth would anyone do that?

  4. Curses! My plans for world conquest have been foiled again! How did you find out?

  5. If it is a secret plan, why would you know about it.

    I seriously doubt such a plan exists.

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