
Is there a sexuality for no preference?

by Guest45350  |  earlier

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is there a sexuality for no preference?




  1. If you don't like either gender in the like like way, Assexual.

  2. Bisexual is when you can go either way, asexual is when you have no s*x drive/ only love yourself.

  3. if u don't like boys or girls then it is asexual

    if u don't care who u life it is bi

  4. omnisexual (as in omnivore)

  5. asexual

    individuals who do not experience sexual attraction and is sometimes discussed as a sexual orientation in itself

  6. prolly bi. cuz you wouldnt put a limit on it.

  7. Asexual. Its real, I looked it up on YouTube last week.

  8. asexual i think =)

  9. yeah its called a s l u t

  10. It's called asexual, and it's more common that you may think.

  11. yeah you are people person or pansexual

  12. if you mean that gender doesn't matter then it's pansexual ;)

    if it means that you don't like either, then it's asexual.  

  13. do you mean like you dont care about either s*x? if thats the case then its A-sexual

  14. just figure out how many there are and call it bi-tri-quad. so on.  I hope your not a pedophile though.

  15. asexual, probably? Not sure tho.

  16. wow, well reading ither answers i was shocked because i thought i was the only one like that and who coined the pharse myself for myself of being asexual but i guess it is more common than i thought. i would classify myself that way although maybe not in the purest form.

    i enjoy looking at the female form very much and also enjoy normal physical contact with yet i have no desire what soever to have either a casual or a sexual relationship with said female(s). if i could have a girlfriend without s*x i would be happy *i know that is very strange from a guy) but such a relationship is unheard of.

  17. If you mean that you are not attracted sexually to anyone, then asexual

    If you mean that you like boys and girls, then bisexual

    If you mean that gender does not matter to you, like male, female, transgendered etc, then pan-sexual : )

  18. no preference as in no attration either way, is a-sexual. no preference as u like both, then bi.

  19. asexual-

    a person who is not interested in or does not desire sexual activity, either within or outside of a relationship. asexuality is not the same as celibacy, which is the willful decision to not act on sexual feelings. asexuals, while not physically sexual-type folks, are none the less quite capable of loving, affectionate, romantic ties to others.

  20. I like the term TRI-SEXUAL, which means you will tri anything at least once At least that's what we call people like me in my state. So tri that one on for size and see how it fits.  

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