
Is there a shortage of chairs in Australia?

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Or are these people just making fun?




  1. No, they're not making fun..

    There really is a shortage of chairs.. People just arent making them for us anymore.. Something about the wood/plastic/metal being contaminated and whatnot.. So yeah, the people who have chairs are bloody lucky..

    My legs are killing me..  

  2. I think they mean!

  3. LOL! A chair shortage, that's a new one. Usually people ask if we really kick people with a giant boot.

  4. We cannot make enough to keep up with demand, so we import many chairs.

  5. big one too for such a big country

  6. what the h**l?!

  7. No they are having a lend of you mate.

  8. Absolutely. There's a complete chair shortage in Australia, particularly in Queensland where I am from. In fact, I actually saw a chair the other day and I was going to try and sit on it but then a policeman came and threatened to arrest me and only then did I realise that it was The Chair. ie the only chair we have left in our whole entire city. No wonder it was completely cordoned off and surrounded by loads of policemen and sniffer dogs..

    Man its totally crazy - but thank GOD we have so many sun lounges.

  9. Nah they are goobers just pulling ya leg. lmao

  10. obviously some people have enough chairs and are oblivious to the plight of those suffering from a lack.... the previous answerers must be from the city - there is a definite lack of chairs in the country areas.

  11. Yes, there is a shortage of chairs in Australia. We have no chair manufacturers here and it is illegal to import them. Tables are easy to come by, but chairs are not. If you go out, you need to take your own chair, or sit in the car. When travelling on public transport, you need to stand - no chairs available.

  12. in some places yes. at work i cit on crates. the one chair that was there dissapeared.

  13. Aussie humour at its best  

  14. their just taking the micky out of the person that posted the question

    there is enough chairs for everyone

  15. no what the *** are these people on

  16. They are having a lend of you mate. But bloody funny. I like it!

  17. No Why Would There Be A Shortage Of Chairs?

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