
Is there a simple way to clean household fans?

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I have several fans in my home and over time they get so dusty. I have always been afraid to spray them in the sink due the electrical part so I end up taking them apart, wiping of the fan part and just spraying the pieces that come off. If that is the only way, fine, but if there is a quicker solution I would be grateful to know what it is. Thanks.




  1. The upholstery attatchment on the wand of your vaccumm.  Use the brush and vaccuum off the dust before it gets to be too much.

  2. Compressed air and a blow nozzle will work.  Otherwise taking them apart is the only safe, sure way.  In most cases the guards won't permit even the smallest vacuum nozzles in and not all people have ceiling fans.

  3. Marilyn, why  do you need to take them apart?  surely if you are able to reach to dismantle them, then why not clean them where they are, and still intact. I have 2 fans and I clean them "in situ". with a warm soapy cloth, maybe you can too.

  4. I always pull them apart, it's the safest way.

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