
Is there a simplified site for teslas free energy, earthquake machine, and tesla coil diagrams?

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Also, anyone know instructions for john hutchisons zero point energy crystal batteries?




  1. I imagine the earthquake machine would be the easiest to test.   His was simply a cast iron container attached to a beam that had been pile driven into the glacial bedrock of NYC and in the container was a hammer automatically beating  out a vibration.  He thought the effect would start at the beam and work out but it went the other way and begin the earthquake at the outrim of the vibe and it moved in breaking windows and popping out bricks in buildings as it returned to his lab. Locals and police got to his lab about the time the vibe /earthquake did and he broke the container with a sledge hammer.   That might be easy to replicate.

    His global energizing now might mess up all those satelites.  Many of that genius's inventions and knowledges didn't go far because JP Morgan andhis group viewed them as to charge for something free when people of the world only needed to put a 30' pole into the ground to run small motors and such.  As far back as the 16th century it was known by some that the earth was the lodestone  part of a magnetic association with the outer universe.     The fellow that build the coral castle in Florida, Edward Leedscavallia (?)  moved huge chunks of coral with a simple winch and hand tools stating that he was using the motor energy between the earth and the heavens  as a tool.

    Tesla's Long Island experiment worked too well.   Much more energy came back then he expected andit fried the switching station.   It is the old inventions and knowledge that we need to research (such as you are doing) to improve today. Look toward the inventions that were patented and the patents bought just to keep them off of the market place.  Most recently perhaps the dry hydrogen cell that could have bveen bought in packages like compressed foil lined coffee.  Please make you findings public.   Good luck.

  2. I've never heard who ended up with Tesla's block box, i.e., free energy.

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