
Is there a site for adoptions that are being disrupted?

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I am especially interested in adoptions being disrupted of asian children.




  1. Go to It's the website of the Attachment and Trauma Network. They try to help families heal, but also deals with dissolutions (commonly called disruptions), when families feel they cannot continue. I suggest you contact one of the staff by e-mail, and they should be able to help you greatly.

    If you are hoping to adopt a child from a dissolved adoption, do be aware that most children coming from a dissolved adoption will probably have serious attachment and trauma issues and difficulties. This is not to discourage you - many of these kids can heal or at least learn to handle their issues, but it would take A LOT of dedication, counselling etc., in general. You probably already know that, but just in case...

    Hope that helps. The best of luck!


  2. Ha! Panda well aren't you the " a childs waitng advocate!" Assuring permament placement indeed is a specialty of a childs waiting, even when the mother has been coerced out of her child, manipulated by the agency, and attempt to reclaim her child back in a decent amount of time. Yes they'll find that baby for the serious adopters, the ones willing to skip state and hide until the reclaming mothers gets dragged on in court for so long that the judge will eventually rule for the child to "stay with the family she's known the longest"

    just call it what it kidnapping. A childs waiting will definately help you do that.

  3. For the person who answered before me, does not have "a return policy". They assist children who's adoption was disrupted find a new family who is able and willing to provide for their needs.           These are not children that were adopted through their agency, but were often adopted out of foster care or adopted internationally as older children by people who probably should never have been allowed to adopt them in the first place.

    I don't see anything wrong with an agency that tries to find a new home for these kids that would otherwise end up spending their childhood in fostercare. Especially since this agency is knowledgable about what to look for in adoptive parents to ensure that the next family these kids join will be perminent.

  4. I'm not sure about asian children but here is a particularly disturbing agency who actually have a RETURN POLICY!!


    Oh yes and they also encouraged a minor to skip the State to surrender her child against and without the knowledge of her parents (who had custody of the baby at the time)  Ethical? ????

    Oh the joys of free enterprise in the USA - in the best interests of whom, the children?, I think not

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