
Is there a site for parents that will list reasons why a 13 year old guy can be allowed to play airsoft?

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I don't want anything big, like hundred dollar AEG's. Something more like a $25 dollar clear spring/EBB pistol




  1. If you can't convince your parents what makes you thing a website will help?

    If you have the money and you are behaving responsibly then you should be able to calmly negotiate with your mom and dad.

  2. I've been airsofting with my friends since I was 13.  As a matter of fact we're goin out tonight.

    It's really not that dangerous.  The worst thing that can happen is you get shot in the eye and that's why you wear protective glasses.  You feel basically nothing from a spring pistol and you barely even get hit from more than 20 ft. away.  The second worst thing that can happen is you get shot in the teeth.  I haven't had it happen but I heard it hurts (Consider braces a plus for once :]).

    Other than that just look it up on google.  There's so many kids asking questions like that all over.

  3. The BIGGEST thing you can do is show your responsibility. Because what your parents are so scared of is that you will get hurt. They need to know that you can respect that "weapon" and know that you will use all the safety gear every time you play. and if you don't have a full face mask get a pair of goggles and a mouth guard if that would make them more comfortable. But do realize, if you are stupid you WILL get hurt. My wife works at an eye doctor and had a 10 yr old kid come in after getting shot point blank in the eye with an airsoft bb.'cause he thought the game was over. he is blind in that eye now with no hope of recovery. final thought,sorry to be so "preachy" but just think.

  4. Don't show your replicas in public.Always were eye protection.  Don't act stupid be responsible.Never point it at and one who dose not wish to be shot and who doesn't have eye/face protection on.

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