
Is there a site that teaches ninjutsu or other martial arts for free?

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Is there a site that teaches ninjutsu or other martial arts for free?




  1. Xshinobi- I realize that this is the internet generation, but you cannot learn to defend yourself or learn a martial art on line, from books, or DVDs. These are all great for supplementing your training if you already study and have good basics. however in order to really learn a martial art you need these things:

    1) An instructor that can give you feed back on how you are doing and correct your mistakes. Even slight flaws can make a technique not work.

    2) People to practice on that will resist you, so that you have to do the technique right.

    Without these two things all you will really have are fancy moves that are inn effective.

    This is the reason they don't train soldiers or cops by video, it just doesn't work.

  2. go to expert village

    click on categories

    click on sports

    then click on martial arts

    then they have a tons of videos on basic stuff for all types of martial arts from masters

  3. The best way to learn is to pony up the money and go to classes at a respected gym.  If you are really stuck and want to learn some stuff online, they have loads of instructional videos online at YouTube and other video sites.

  4. There is a site talking about ninjutsu:

  5. I'm sure there are plenty, and you will get exaxctly what you pay for

  6. No, there is no such thing as a site that will teach you for free. Teaching requires feedback.  You cannot get feedback from a video or a book.  Only people can teach you, the best you can get on-line is some low quality video on a tiny screen that cannot show you anything in enough detail to be useful.

    You could actually pay for a DVD series, but unless you are planning on competing against or fighting a TV it isn't going to be worth your money.  

    Did you go to school to learn to spell, read, write, do math, etc or did you learn by watching videos?  Do dancers, gymnasts, boxers, etc. learn by video or by going to classes or getting coaches?  

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