
Is there a site where I can find out if I truley have Psychic Abilities?

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I've been searching and searching for one, but found no sites :/

Does anyone here know a site that can test you to see if you have Psychic Abilities- or that atleast lets you speak/chat with a person involved with Psychic Phenomena that can determine if you are or not, and how you could improve your abilities if so?




  1. The obvious place to go would be to a spiritualist church, my daughter was told by a family friend that she had connected with her, and, when we went to a open seance on Thursday, 1 of the 4 psychics picked up on the same thing, and advised her that a spiritualist church would be the best place to learn to harness and use her talents for the best of her ability.

  2. There are many advanced groups you can join if you wish to pursue your PSI abilities.

  3. Go to "Taco"

  4. I think that everyone has a sixth sense to some extent, some are more open than others.  However, your first intense psychic experience, an awakening of sorts, would likely scare you enough that you would almost not *want* to be psychic.  You would experience a genuine personal dilemma about whether or not to be in tune with "that side".

    Imagine, for example, if your dreams came true regularly.  What if, once, it were a nightmare of someone dying, and the person, an acquaintance that you only met a few times, did actually turn out to have died that very night far away?  You would be extremely disturbed, maybe even feel responsible, as if some decision of your own might have prevented it.

    Imagine if it turned out that one of your dreams was shared by a friend that you haven't seen in a while.  Say, you told your SO your dream when you awoke because a special person was involved, and a few days later your friend e-mails you telling you that she saw you in her dream, and the same special person was also there?  What if your dream involved destruction?  If you interpreted your dream as "just psychological, my own turmoils" and yet destructive events then did surround that special person within a week, then are you again responsible?

    Imagine someone you have never met repeating to you a line that you wrote, word for word.  An extremely, extremely personal line.  Do you really want to be aware of the possibility that our thoughts are not our own?  To feel so naked beneath your skin?

    So, while you are thinking of online sites to mechanically decide whether or not you are "psychic", I would suggest asking yourself first this: Would you really *want* to be psychic even knowing that sometimes you will not have control over bad events, other times you will receive too many interferences to accurately decipher, and that other times yet people may simply ignore your words?

  5. Psychics usually know when they are gifted. Do you have any special talents ?  These include being able to communicate with spirits, and so on.

  6. I'll be your test. You tell me something only i would know and then from there you will know if you have psychic abilities. C'mon, i dare you....

  7. There are some online test available.  I have taken them and they are pretty cool.  However, I can't remember the website names, sorry.  I guess I am not that psychic after all.

  8. Try to get in on a ganzfeld experiment.  Apparently everyone who does so is automatically psychic.

  9. ?

  10. Errm, you would know if you were psychic or not.

    For me, things tend to happen in my favor when I focus, such as guessing on a dice roll etc.. There is a certain mental cue that signals the correct answer when focusing. I don't know if its the same with other people, because I haven't seen it documented or talked about. Also, I have had dreams and the core thing from the dream happens later.

    Just practice. I think everyone is psychic in one way or another, it just may not be as profound as others.

  11. if you were TRULY psychic, wouldn't you know, if there were any sites for that??? hmmm deep thoughts!

  12. Since no one has been scientifically proved to have psychic abilities we can tell you right here on this site that that likelihood of you having them is practically nil.

    But I don't suppose that was what you were hoping to learn.

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