
Is there a small chance that she might like me?

by Guest32171  |  earlier

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Ugh. I know I hate it when I see these questions but right now I have to distract my mind for a moment. There's this girl I knew from last year. We really don't hang out or talk. But we were in the same class together last year and she would do things like rest her head on my shoulder and just be touchy feely. (I know, some girls can be this way.) But today, I walked into class after not talking for a long time and she just gave me like a really big smile and I sat next to her and she wouldn't stop talking to me. And then she noticed that my hair was a different color and she started touching it. She even asked me if my hair was wavy like that all the time and asked me if I could come one day to school with my hair really curly. I know this probably seems stupid. I mean I saw her with a boyfriend once...I mean, maybe she's bi or something. I don't know. I'm an idiot...ugh!!




  1. W8 I didn't know you were a lez!!! Nyce

  2. ?!?!?!?!?!?!

  3. Nichole, Nichole, Nichole, wtf are you on about. If you like her, make a move and stop all this head case stuff. Feelings can be raw, passionate and scary but just go for it. You obviously like her. What's the worse that can happen? If it goes pear-shaped or belly up, move on. Fishes in the sea and all that.

    Did I miss the part that you are also bi/L*****n? I can't tell from your name

    Good luck.


    (Doh, what room am I in. Forget the last bit, I got carried away, again...)

  4. You have nothing to lose by getting to know her better and finding out if her kindness to you could lead to a relationship.

    If she thought you were gross, she definitely would not be putting her head on your shoulder.

    Good luck!

  5. uuuughhh no

    or i don't think so, sound like something friends talk about

  6. Nicky don't you DARE!

    You stop this nonsense right now, do you hear me?

  7. Sounds to me like she does

    Since you don't hang out much, it seems less friendly and more sexual that she was actually touching you

  8. i am not g*y..... but it seems like this chick is hitting on you!!!

  9. >.>

    This is a quite, akward answer but...

    Try to find another source to answer your question, ex. A friend of hers, the boyfriend himself...

  10. she could but then she could know that your a L*****n and play with your emotions soo watch out

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