
Is there a solution for a permanent peace in this world?

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Is there a solution for a permanent peace in this world?




  1. We have only two choices we can all learn to love one another. (fat chance there) The other choice is a very strong leader that will keep people from starting wars. I think there will be such a man called anti-christ.

  2. When we have enough energy there will be no need for war. When we realise that we're all the same and don't let religion and faith cause violence there will be no war. When democracy is spread around the world there will be no war.

  3. Think yourself super god send you to achieve something try to run for that then you will be happy all the time.

  4. No, the world is not supposed to have peace, any more then we can get rid of night & only have day or only sunny days. We need contrast. I choose peace in my own life & it is great. That is all we can do is mind our own business & if someone else wants peace they can choose it to no matter what is going on outside of them.

  5. Yes, and it's been with us all along!

    Obey God,Do things in Love and there will be peace!

  6. Never in a million years. People are just too different minded, too many different cultures, languages, religions, ethnicities; this is all of course, a good thing. On the bright side different competing ideas and beliefs, I think is generally a good healthy thing.

    Too be perfectly clear, I'm saying that people are far too different and dynamic to live in a stable and static world.

  7. At least one third of the human population recognizing that all life is connected.

  8. Unfortunately, no.

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