
Is there a solution for gas prices to go down to normal? and how can I save on gas?

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Ok so with all the high gas prices in the US, will they ever go down? I mean from what I hear they are expected to go up 5.00$ a gallon. Is there a solution? Im actually not sure why it's so high. Are there ways I can save on gas while driving my car? Thanks for all your help





  1. The solution for gas prices to go down to normal is for the government to start drilling in the places were they have been reserving ALOT of oil but they won't drill there and I have no clue why.

  2. We should drill for oil on our own soil.  Why don't we you ask: because Obama and the democratic congress won't let us.

  3. I think the environmental organizations want conservation.  So with $4 to $5 gasoline you have conservation.  The reason for higher gasoline is related to world oil prices which are a product of demand push inflation from the emergence of China and a India into modern energy consuming economies.   I doubt if those countries will return to the farm to satisfy the unhappiness of the U.S.  So there is no solution to high gasoline prices.  It is windfall for the Greens.  Others are too busy working to improve their lot in life.

  4. Here are a few tips that I think would help...

    Use ur AC when driving on the freeway. Turn your car off...when in a Drive thru place gear in Neutral. Don't do more than 60 mph. Oil change clean filter. fill up!

  5. Uh, you need to adjust your thinking.  What makes you think its high?  What is "normal"?

    There was once a time when gas was 25 cents a gallon.  Things change.

    Increasing gas prices are good anyway.  We need it to inspire short-sighted thinkers to finally change their thinking.  We dont need more gas, we need more alternative energy.

  6. Actually I read on here that the highest point for gas was like on Thursday and now the gas prices are going down now not sure how much though

  7. First things first:

    1. Gas prices are not going to revert to what they were during former President Carter's term of office. This is primarily because prices for crude oil,the stuff gasoline is made of are based largely on two things:

    1.  Supply and Demand- Unless the supply of crude oil increases or demand decreases prices will continue to go higher as crude oil becomes scarcer and demand increases.

    2.The oil cartel known as OPEC( Oil Producing Economic Countries) controlls a very large part of the world's crude oil supply and thus the gas prices.

  8. ride a bike

  9. Yes, there's a lot of ways to get a lot more miles per gallon:

    In fact I see people wasting gas with leadfoot driving every day, the price can't be that high yet.

    And yes, we are seeing the end of a period of low gas prices, it may drop but will not revert to former level. Supply and demand, wild speculation, and the collapse of the dollar are why the price has gone up. The first is constrained by reality, all the easy cheap oil was exploited long ago, and Congress and the Administration arguably caused the second two I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to "fix" something that is making them and their buddies (including our OPEC stooges) fabulously rich.

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