
Is there a special technique that you use when eating a taco?

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Is there a special technique that you use when eating a taco?




  1. With hard tacos i crush up the shells, then put the meat and cheese and lettuce on it then crush more shells on top of that. So, its more like a taco salad.



  2. I'm great at eating the pink taco

  3. First I give it a whiff and proceed to l**k and nibble if there is an "all clear" after the sniff test.

    <~~~ connessieur of eating pink tacos.

  4. lol eat like a dog to avoid dropping it on your clothes

    its a relaxed food anyway isn't it ??

  5. Nope, just eat it what ever way you please.

    There are multiple ways you can be creative with though. Here are a few examples:

    *With your feet

    *With your mouth closed

    *From the middle


    Hope this helped!

  6. Taco Bell.  

  7. When I go to Taco Bell I usually will rap mine more of a cylindar shape

  8. I am not that technical when it comes to eating tacos.  I just try not to get any on my shirt! O.O


  9. yes - I first need to finish what I'm doing with my fingers, then I eat my taco.

  10. fold it like a burrito

  11. I put it in my mouth and.......


  12. 2 in the pink 1 in the stink


  14. I prefer sausages

  15. I put my tongue up against the bean and rub it in circles.

  16. You have to use your tongue to flick the bean till your mouth starts to cramp up lol

  17. corner left, corner right, middle.  Then repeat till it disappears.  Note:  return spilled stuffing to the taco.

    Also, I hold the taco upright, but tilt my head.

  18. Yes, I just shovel them in.  I call it the "quicker you eat, the less messy you get" technique.

  19. yeah you grab the taco and take a big bite form thatbottom cause that is where the meat is and then after the 1st bite go to the top of the 1st bite and do that for eating a taco  

  20. opening mouth, inserting food, and then biting down repeatedly works for me.  The rest is pretty involuntarily.  

  21. Not really, just try not 2 spill it.

  22. yep! you must hold it from the opposite side your biting from and the bottom center of the taco. then take a bite! haha :)

  23. i eat it like a hamburger so all of the stuff won't fall off,

    i'm serious too :)

  24. I hate this problem too. OO now tacos sound REALLY good. ok.

    What I do is when I get a taco lets say from taco bell. I always hold it at the top. witht he two flaps together, and then I eat it sideways llike a side ways taco lol

    sometiems you can roll up one end of them.. just depends on how full it is

  25. No techniques. Just shove it in! haha

  26. Well it depends on the type of "taco". If it's a "pink taco" then I like to handle it with the utmost care and touch it soft and slow, and rub it, and kiss it all around, and l**k it all around and make sure to work the middle as well as all around it and the l**k away the sweet "juice" of the "pink taco".  

  27. Hold it straight so the stuff inside doesnt drop out all over the place.

  28. yea hold it so meat dosnt spill out it depends on what kind of shell you use like hard or soft lol

  29. Grab, Bite, Chew, Swallow, Digest, Excrete.

  30. I try to keep it rolled up...not always successful! Then a fork comes in handy.

  31. I blend it and drink it...yup taco smoothies with sour cream on jk don't try that =P

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