
Is there a special technique that you use when eating sausage?

by Guest33859  |  earlier

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Is there a special technique that you use when eating sausage?




  1. yeah you l**k it the you take a big bite out if it and there you go

  2. Rofl NO!

  3. stab it with a fork and bite off the ends first and then eat the rest

    yummy..its also good with syrup =P

  4. no, nothing special

  5. Yes, there is a special technique I use when eating sausage; however, to explain said technique would be in violation of the guidelines. ♥

  6. i smother them in syrup

  7. Of course not,and why would you even think of that!

  8. i nibble till its all gone

  9. Very gentle nibbling.

    Sometimes if we find one that's been  trashed, a few thousand of my sisters all nibble on it at the same time.

  10. yes fork and knife=)

  11. why are u asking all these questions about the technique for eating different foods?

    Sausage same as taco...!carefully.

  12. Well there's the old ''dip 'n scoop''.  You dip it in some source and than direct it upwards towards your open mouth.

    Than there's the ''pigs 'n blankets'' where you wrap a sausage in bacon and cook it.

    Or maybe you are more of a ''munch 'n crunch'' kinda lady.  Where you get a lettuce leaf and wrap it around the sausage.

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