
Is there a special way to make twins?!?

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Is there a special way to make twins?!?




  1. Be careful what you wish for. Raising one infant is stressful enough.

    Sure, twins are a joy, but they are also a hassle.

  2. fertility drugs might help

  3. There's never a guarantee to twins.  Heredity helps, fertility drugs and in vitro.  BUT you have to remember that most doctors will not help you in in vitro or fertitility drugs if you don't have an fertility problems and if you just want to do it to try to have twins.

  4. Fertility meds....

    there's a series of shots... they help produce more eggs.

    they can do an ultra sound to see how many ur body has produced....

    you can even go as far as artificial insemination...w/ the fathers sperm w/ a better percentage of attatching........

    it's awfully expensive tho.......:-/

  5. Yeah Invetro fertilization. Brangelina just did it to have a boy and a girl

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