
Is there a speical name for people who gave up red meat?

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i know people do it for lent, but is there a special name for people sho give up red meats, but still eat fish and chicken? i've decided to do this to help animals, and better my health. are there any names for things like this, i know of vegetarian [veggie], and pescatarian[fish]. but what about a veggie fish chicken thing? any one?




  1. No special name.  The term for those who eat both plant and animal matter are called omnivores.  Giving up red meat but eating other meat is in no way related to vegetarianism.  Vegetarians do not eat any animals ever..that what makes them VEGetarians.

  2. From what I understand, Pescatarians can decide eat poultry and Pollo vegetarians (Vegetarians who eat poultry [I'm one!]) can decide to eat fish. I personally don't, because the only fish I like is tuna.

  3. The above poster is right. Here's some more information.

    Pesce- fish

    Pollo- poultry

    Ovo- eggs

    Lacto- dairy

    Someone who eats all of the above is a pesce-pollo-ovo-lacto vegetarian. Technically, not really all that vegetarian.

    When explaining your dietary restrictions, it's a lot easier to just say, "I don't eat red meat."

  4. The word is "SMART".

    Lower cholesterol is one plus.  There is also the plus of not being exposed to the hormones that are being injected into animals that - really - who knows the effect of them on mankind say 10, 20, 30 years from now?  The cost of meat is UNREAL - I had to buy some since I have company coming over tomorrow and they eat meat and was totally SHOCKED at how much it cost - and how my shopping bill took a HIT that raised it HIGHER than what I have been spending.

    But as to a name for someone that still eats other animal flesh and just forgoes red meat - a picky eater that doesn't partake of red meat.  I would see you as part of the majority of people and they way that they eat.  Not the same as me - but then that is ok.  Doing away with the red meat is a big PLUS for you health wise.

  5. Yep, a picky meat eater.

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