
Is there a spell or any way to become a fairy or mermaid?

by Guest67089  |  earlier

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I was curious.. fairies are pretty.. so are mermaids.. i know they are pretty much fictional but i was curious.. i've always wanted to be one! lol




  1. Faeries are elemental spirits. Mermaids are....most likely fictional. There aren't any "spells" you can do to make you into something when you were born human.

  2. yes, you can. In you dream. You can be a fairy or a mermaid in a story that will never end.

  3. No, sry. But I assure you, I'm working on it.  

  4. Lol, the only thing you can do to look like a mermaid or a fairy is rent a costume for Halloween, surgery is not that advanced and you where born human so just be happy with it and smile :)

  5. No I don't think there is but maybe someone can prove me wrong.

  6. NO, and Im assuming your probablyy under 10!

  7. No spell to become either... the only way to try would be to have completed extremely dangerous and most probably fatal surgery.They do make mermaid tails for people to swim in, like for movies and the such.I  suggest you look into one of those.

  8. there was magic LONG LONG LONG ago that made you into somthing like that but not really what your talking about! LONG LONG ago that long pass pass gone!

  9. Nope, sorry.  

  10. No, sorry, you can't chancge your species.

    I do believe they exist, especially the fae folk, but not in the same way of existence as humans.  

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