
Is there a spell or something to make my wish come true? ?

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its impossible for me bacause its expensive.i want to have a surgery but its difficult for me




  1. All spells are basically wishes with your intent behind them. There are spells to help draw money to you and ones for healing but like the others said you havent put enough info in your question. Good luck

  2. Are you sick? Do you want a s*x change? A surgery to save your life?

    Well...Ill keep my fingers cross for you. Good luck!

  3. what kind of surgery do you want? If you tell me I know a spell. but remember you could get hurt if you dabble in magic.

  4. what do u want surgery for?

    who knows maybe but then again remember there is always a price to pay... sometimes its waayy more valuable than money think about it

  5. dude ok 1st)ur so need to learn 2 be more clear on what ur talking about 2nd)what do u mean spell?? and 3)wth??? if u want a spell i sugest u do it the old fashined way and get urself a spell book from hpb or barns and noble

  6. You are not been clear on what exactly you are talking about. What kind of surgery are you referring to???

    Is it a spell for a miracle that you are after? I have never heard of one.  

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