
Is there a spell to make an ex feel the same pain i did?

by  |  earlier

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i already have one, but i would like to know more of them for it to be more effective.

and whenever there is a spell that has a candle, and on the list all it says is, CANDLE, can you use any candle you want? or you have to use those long thick ones?




  1. Going on to lead a happy and productive life would be your best revenge.

    All this talk of spells and need to inflict pain.I can see his reason for becoming an EX.

  2. don't. let it go. why do u have to make an other guy feel the pain just because he made u experience the pain. i knoe it is hard for u that i am saying it in a easy way. i know it would have been difficult for me if i were in ur position and if u told me not to do anything back for revenge. let it go, the person would feel embarassed and bad himself because he did this to u. so leave it and try not to think about it.

  3. God takes care of vengeance.  "Vengeance is mine," saith the Lord, " I will repay."

    If you use spells, they might fall short of doing the justice that God has planned for them.  In other words, if you want it done right let God take care of it.

    My wife ran off with our babysitter's son!  It tore me up bigtime!  I KNOW how you feel.  But I prayed about my pain and told God that I trusted Him to handle the situation and that I would not raise my hand against them.  (I had already bought a gun and was very tempted to kill them...seriously!)  My wife later told me it was over with the guy and wanted me to forgive her.  (She had already left me once before for a different guy and returned during our engagement!)  I told her that I do forgive her but that I am not required by God to trust her.  She turned right around and married the guy!!!!  Then the guy divorced her in less than one year!!!  She's already on her third husband and she's only 28!

    So, see?  God has a way of dealing with people.  But if YOU try to punish people, you are in essence telling God that you do not believe Him when He says, "Vengeance is mine...".  

    Leave it to God, honey.  He'll do a much better job than you will.   And the beauty of it is, He takes His sweet time to deal with things.  He seems to use "spells" that just keep giving and giving.  LOL!  If you study the Old Testament you will see that this is so!


    PS - Six years after my wife left me a series of very unusual events led me into another marriage to a woman who lived 3000 miles away!  We have been happily married now for ten years and it is so much better than being married to an unfaithful woman!  She lived in California and I live in Virginia!  We live in Va. now and have a home full of love and devotion.  God works in mysterious ways.

  4. I'm told Herpes is pretty unpleasant.

    You could share that with him.

  5. Get over it.Since Wicca is a practice in nature,your rage has you unbalanced.An unbalance does not bring prosperous fortune in any sort of spell or incantation.anger is red by the way.

  6. So your way of dealing with rejection is revenge of some sort?

    That alone shows lack of maturity.

    Rejection, denial, disappointment, and heartaches are a fact of life.

    It's just a matter of how you grow as a person to learn to deal with it.

    Remember the old saying; if you're going to play with fire, you might get burned.

  7. There are all kinds of hurt you can put on someone.

    Why would you bind yourself like this? What kind of hurt would be worth the karmic retribution you would get? Don't you think he was hurting, are you so sure it was a one way street?

    Why should you get vengeance when there are millions of other people that don't and live out a happy life?

    If the law was broken you need to take care of it at that level I'm not going to help you maim your ex!

  8. Since spells don't work why not tell him that you have a sexually transmitted disease instead?

    Make sure his new girlfriend knows about it too.

  9. Tell him you're pregnant.

    That'll be pretty painful

  10. don't. it will come back to you, three times over. That's the law of karma. The best revenge is the one where you pick yourself up and move on with your life, better than when he was in it. Seriously. Karma WILL get you. Ask yourself it's worth it for the sake of revenge.  

  11. Life if very unjust.  Some people cause others an extraordinary amount of pain, do illegal and immoral things, and still prosper and attain power.   I think it is a normal human , although unproductive, response to wish harm to come to those people.  Even saying that the laws of karma will give back three times the harm is a reflection of that kind of wishful thinking.  

    So, where do you focus your thoughts and energy instead.?  Perhaps on protecting others who may be hurt by the same person.  Perhaps by pursuing justice legally or politically.  

    The Buddhists say that even our enemy is a teacher.   An enemy certainly teaches us about human behaviors and the dangers in this world.

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