
Is there a stereotypical personality for a snowboarder and a surfer? and how do they differ from each over?

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surfer snowboarder personality characteristics stereotypes




  1. Hi, every one this site is more useful to me regards  snowboarder and a surfer and also am earlierly seen one site is more useful to me i hope this is also more useful to you also,

    I found this link very helpful:

  2. Yeah. Snowboarders are way more irritating. They take that stupid "Specoli" thing too far...and are serious! They (snowboarders) got it all wrong and seem to have forgotten that surfing and surfers invented their little sport. A little more accuracy and respect would be nice. Good luck.

  3. surfer more "chilled out" snowboarded "party hard" but they both mix between the two

  4. surfers are awesome

    besides we invented stupid snowboarding they think they think they can do anything, even surf!!!

    o well, they are nice moving targets for me and my buds :)

    surfers deserve much more respect

    we even have our own style of music

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