
Is there a stone or something that wards off evil, I am in a very weird environment where I work?

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Is there a stone or something that wards off evil, I am in a very weird environment where I work?




  1. If you think a stone is gonna help then I can understand perfectly why your work environment is weird.

  2. those small blue eues are quite good at keeping evil at bay.they use them in Greece.

  3. Yes, its called a rock in a sock. You take it out and whallop it around when evil minded strangers attack after dark..

  4. Yes there is but I've never seen it before and only those who beleve in it can find it.

  5. yes any, put it in a sock and swing it over the evils head.

  6. I have exorcised rooms where there have been strange happenings. The happenings ceased and the children finally slept thru the night. Different manifestations require different approaches. There is insufficient data in your question to give more specific guidance. The only rock we can fully trust is Jesus, the foundation stone of the Church. I liked Bridget's Answer.

  7. Salt rock in the four corners off the building will work. If you still having problems ask management to get a priest to do a blessing off the establishment will not cost anything, can put this down to religous considerations as its covered under the employment act.

  8. Any stone will ward off evil. Even a common pebble. If you believe it will, then it will.

    In fact, you don't even need the stone. You can ward off evil yourself simply by not believing that it's an actual force that's going to affect you. Trust me, it works. Sure, there are bad people who can influence your life, but I really don't think there is a floating cloud of evil that you need to ward off. Some may buy into that religious belief, but I personally don't. What I'm saying is that your own power of suggestion is what you have to afraid off, not some evil that you need to ward off.

  9. a gun

  10. NO , just quit gordon browns cabinet

  11. Yes.  It is a stone which has been mated upon by the Grumble Toad.  You can buy them in special shops, and you'll need to position it in the Northernmost corner at midnight on the fourth Tuesday of the month.

    Oh, or try a mirror.

  12. A ten foot samurai sword tends to ward off evil people pretty well I find.

  13. Sharon.  

    This is the funniest question I've read today.

  14. Dear Lillibut

    There is no stone that can ward off evil. But there are things that you can do to help deal with problems.

    Firstly think what is causing your sense that the work environment is weird. Is it the nature of the business? Is it coming from particular individuals or situations? Is there a rational explanation, something you can ask your manager or a co-worker's help with?

    If you feel that the place you work is evil then you need to find a new job.

    Secondly think if there is something in your life that is causing you stress or anxiety. Is your journey to work stressful? Do you have health or money problems? Do you have good relationships outside work?

    If you are having problems sleeping or relaxing, it is worth talking to your doctor.

    Do you have a faith or a spiritual life? Prayer or meditation may help. If you don't feel able to pray yourself, ask someone to pray for you. Share your concerns with a trusted friend.

    A stone cannot help you, it is just a piece of rock.

    There are bad things and bad people in this world, but good overcomes evil; light overcomes darkness; and love casts out fear.

    God bless


  15. kidney stones keep crochety old relatives away, but only until they pass.

  16. try quartz it is very good for grounding, also lapis lazuli. for calming measures get a salt lamp they aint cheap (£40)but are very effective.

  17. Wear something made of Silver,  pure Iron is also reputed to have protective properties,  the Salt suggestion is also good.

  18. Brilliant. You are mad.

  19. Don't know of any stones, but I did hear Garlic helps! - can't you change your job?

  20. There are many stones and crystals that can work for this purpose, but its like everything else you really do have to believe in its powers. I found you these two links have a look see what you think about "Obsidian" and its powers.

  21. Hematte is a stone of protection. It's relatively easy to find and usually comes in the form of rings and necklaces. It's also very cheap. It looks kind of like metal, a shiny silver black.I know it wards off nightmares very well, however it does need to be cleansed from time to time. You can cleanse it in saltwater, and also by burying it during the three day period of the full moon, letting the earth touch it, (not just in a box).

    Also burning sage can work very well to clear the air of bad vibrations.

    Salt rock in the corners is good too.

    Lapis Lazuli is a good calming stone and that really may be what you need.

    Can you please be more clear upon the Nature of this "evil" that you percieve?

  22. Keith Richards should do the trick!!!

  23. Black tourmaline will deflect negative energy away from you. Cheapest place I know of to buy it online:

    I like this place cause it's cheap and it's also got very good "energy".

  24. Maybe you're thinking of garlic.

  25. an open  bible will do the trick

  26. yup..there is a seed thats supposed to warn off all evil and rraise your vibration.. its called a rudhraksha in india.

  27. I have heard that if you place a paper clip attached to the headed paper of where you work with a strand of hair ( your own ) pointed north on a Friday in a drawer you can ward off evil spirits. Worked for me!!!

  28. change  ur  job  / shift office to  different  location.  if  thats  not  possible ,.try  reciting  the  lords  prayer   or   gayatri  mantra(both   r  very  gd  at   protection   frm  evil) , scatter   rock  salt  crystals   all   over   the  office   leave   overnite  and   sweep  it   away   the   nxt   morning.

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