
Is there a store where you can buy a baby?

by  |  earlier

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i just want to adopt




  1. I passed a store called babies 'r' us the other day, I didn't go in, but you could probably find a baby there.

  2. No.

  3. There is not a store. You have to go to an adoption agency.

  4. babies r us

  5. there is not a store. but there is a adoption center. and people that we're saying babies r us. bwahaha. you people are freakking HiLARiOUS!! muahaha.

  6. I hope you're kidding.  If you're not, you'll never be able to adopt with that attitude.

  7. The black market.

  8. ask santa if he'll bring u one!

  9. Of course there's a store, it's called a Mother!

  10. Yeah, it's called KMart, and the baby is a Cabbage Patch doll. Good Lord, you can't be serious! You don't "buy" babies, it's illegal.

  11. if you find it tell me

  12. There is no store to buy a baby but there are adoption agencies.

  13. haha thats a good one i actually thought u were serious

  14. Are you like 6 or something? Hurry, get off your parents' computer before they catch you. We don't want you to get in any trouble. Just tell mommy & daddy  that you're going to the toy store to adopt a cabbage patch doll. It's okay, we'll hear from you later. And you tell us how that went dear, okay.

  15. You are kidding...right?

  16. "Buying" a baby is illegal in the US.  In fact, if the courts feel that ANY money changed hands between the bio family and the adoptive family (for purposes other than medical expenses), the adoption will not be approved.

  17. ...I am for {"Sale", the rest is up to u

    just kidding

    --> go to & looking for one.

    they have a lots of orphans that need help

    Best wishes

  18. You can adopt and you don't need to buy a baby.

    But you will have to follow the legal procedure and prove that you will be a good parent. Good Luck to you.

  19. If this is a joke it is in poor taste. It is very hurtful to first parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees to be told they have bought or sold children, or were a "product" picked up from a store.

  20. Get Serious, If it were up to me I wouldnt let you adopt a child for asking such stupid questions.

    You have some growing up to do yet if you think you can just walk into a store and buy a baby

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