
Is there a such thing as telekinesis? Can you actually move things with your mind?

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Is there a such thing as telekinesis? Can you actually move things with your mind?




  1. From a physics standpoint, it doesn't make much sense.

    Let's say I want to lift a pen using only my mind.  Well, I know that to lift something, I have to supply an upward force greater than or equal to its weight.  If you're lifting it with your mind, where does the force come from?

    There are only four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force.  The nuclear forces have extremely short ranges, so we can rule them out at the start.  That leaves gravity and electromagnetism.

    Gravity requires mass.  The Earth holds the pen down because the Earth has such a tremendous mass.  In order for me to lift the pen using gravity, I'd either have to reduce the effect of Earth's gravity on the pen, or create a gravitational field above the pen that was stronger than the Earth's.

    Reducing the effect of gravity is pretty tricky, since it's based on a fundamental constant.  If I had to go WAY out on a limb, I'd say that you could maybe warp space and time to the point that physical constants are no longer...well...constant.  But that would take tremendous energy, much more than your brain or indeed your body could muster.

    That's the same reason why you couldn't summon a gravitational field above the pen to lift it away from the Earth.  Once again, gravity requires mass.  We don't know of any instance where you can have gravity without mass.  You can spontaneously create mass from energy, but doing so also costs tremendous energy.  Again, we're limited in the energy output we can produce.

    How about electromagnetism, then?  Electromagnetism is a force that arises from charged particles.  The only problem here is that your garden variety writing implement is not charged.  Even if you could generate a strong, spontaneous electrical field in the space above the pen, it would have no effect on the pen itself.

    But perhaps the pen has steel components!  Then you could lift it using magnetism.  Again, you'd have to create some sort of magnetic field above the pen.  Magnetic fields are caused by moving electrical charges, so you'll have to accelerate a bunch of electrons using only your mind if you wish to pick the pen up magnetically.  And we fall back to the problem of being unable to effect a mass movement of charge using only the mind.

    So, bottom line: telekinesis isn't real because there's no physical way that it CAN be real.  There is no force that can be manipulated by the mind INSIDE the body to have an effect on objects OUTSIDE the body.

  2. Here's a link to over 500 people who've already asked this question.They did it right here on Y/A.You can contact some of them(many allow E-mail).See how they made out.

  3. Telekinesis is now called psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature. While no one can levitate their friend, start fires or throw cars the ability has been demonstrated to a statistically significant degree. It was demonstrated by Rhine Research Center (formerly at Duke University) in the 1930's. (link below) on dice (causing more of one number to come up then would appear by chance)

    It was most recently demonstrated by Princeton University through a program called PEAR (link below) for the past 27 years with random number generators.

    It was also demonstrated by physicist Helmut Schmidt with radioactive decaying particles his work and the work of other can be found at the web page for the Parapsychological Association (link below).

    Skeptics dismiss or attack this work but few have criticisms that are valid enough to get published in peer reviewed science journals where the actual research is published.

    This ability was also shown in the former soviet union by Nina Kulgina. Her demonstrations are dismissed by skeptics that have yet to replicate her performance under controlled laboratory conditions while being observed by scientist.

    Daniel Dunglas (D.D.) Home was said to levitate and play musical instruments without touching them. He was never caught as a fraud. However, controls were poor in his day and he may have simply been the greatest magician who has ever lived.

  4. well no but a lot of people do belive in it but i just cant tell you what to do or to belive.

  5. If I say I can, will you believe me? And if you want to test me, I will say you don't believe me and hence it won't work in your presence!

  6. To date, nobody has ever been able to demonstrate this ability (magicians' tricks notwithstanding). Given the total lack of evidence despite the seemingly intense interest in such a feat, it would seem very unlikely that the ability actually exists. However, I'm always open to reviewing new evidence  :)

  7. Course you can, any research into this subject has been stifled by companies who make fork-lift trucks, cranes etc. they would be out of business if we started building tower blocks and houses by telekinesis. And think of all the employees of airlines that would be made redundant if we could just teleport ourselves to Spain. Do you really want all of their jobs on your conscience?

  8. Yes. I moved my fingers and typed this answer. That's kind of miraculous now that I think about it.

  9. Since it's impossible to prove a negative you have to weigh the evidence in support of such a claim.  Currently there is no evidence that shows TK to be a legitimate ability.

    You can also weigh the probability of such a phenomenon.  Since those who claim it's real have provided no evidence or even a serious explanation of the mechanics of TK, it's highly improbable that such abilities exist.

  10. yes it is a prove fact ,however some people might say it can 't be done,and yes it can't be done if they measure the results by their standard methods,and how come there are still open research experiments in this?Telekinesis is the ability to move physical objects whith the power of the mind

  11. Not unless it's your own body.

    Try it. It wont work. If you encounter anybody who claims it does, then sit down and wait until they move something else themselves. Unless they're cheating (which is quite common), you'll sit there for the rest of your life, and the darn item will still not move.

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