
Is there a summer program where i can voluteer at texas children hospital ath the age 13 and up?

by  |  earlier

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it can be at any hospital downtown i want to work with doctors maybe ages 13 and older im interested in the medical field i just love working at a hospital ecpically children




  1. Call the hospitals directly and ask to speak with the person in charge of volunteering. They can give you all of the details you need. Also,

    -- talk to teachers, the head of your community of faith, or other non-family members who would be willing to be your reference

    -- make a schedule of times and days you would be available, and make arrangements for transportation (will a family member be driving you? or will you be taking mass transit?)

  2. You'll have to contact the hospital directly. They will need to do a thorough background check before they allow you to work with children. You wouldn't believe how many pedophiles apply to "volunteer" for this. I think any pedophile volunteering for such access to children should get a minimum of five years in jail.

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