
Is there a sunny side to Global Warming?

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some expert believe climate change could turn out to be a good thing...




  1. No, the negative effects far outweigh the minor positive ones.

    Here's a detailed analysis of the effects on agriculture, water supplies and qualiity, and electrical demand appears in this report to Congress:

    The Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the United States

    "The effects of a warmer climate alone would generally reduce wheat and corn yields. Yield changes range from + 15 to -90%."

    Here's what they say happened in the past following crop yeild drops of "up to 50%":

    "Dryland farmers in the Great Plains are particularly vulnerable to climate variability. The Great Plains States of Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas were the hardest hit during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s (Worster, 1979; Hurt, 1981). Yields of wheat and corn dropped as much as 50% below normal, causing the failure of about 200,000 farms and migration of more than 300,000 people from the region."

    The report concludes that any small increase in crop yield due to increased CO2 will be overwhelmed by the negative effects of precipitation decreases and temperatures that are inadequately cool for crops such as wheat.

    As a result of declining food production, here's one possible scenario that the Pentagon has studied for global riots and anarchy in about 12 years:

    Already, according to Randall and Schwartz, the planet is carrying a higher population than it can sustain. By 2020 'catastrophic' shortages of water and energy supply will become increasingly harder to overcome, plunging the planet into war. They warn that 8,200 years ago climatic conditions brought widespread crop failure, famine, disease and mass migration of populations that could soon be repeated.

    Randall told The Observer that the potential ramifications of rapid climate change would create global chaos. 'This is depressing stuff,' he said. 'It is a national security threat that is unique because there is no enemy to point your guns at and we have no control over the threat.'

    Randall added that it was already possibly too late to prevent a disaster happening. 'We don't know exactly where we are in the process. It could start tomorrow and we would not know for another five years,' he said.

    'The consequences for some nations of the climate change are unbelievable. It seems obvious that cutting the use of fossil fuels would be worthwhile.'


    The Pentagon isn't saying that it's the most likely scenario for 2020, but we have no firm plan for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of the two largest sources, China and the U.S., so we do seem to have a very bleak outlook for the future, whether it's 2020 or some other date.

    "The bottom line is that recent observations and research make clear the planet almost certainly faces a greater and more imminent threat than is laid out in the IPCC reports. That's why climate scientists are so desperate. That's why they keep begging for immediate action. "

  2. The Earth has warmed...... and Cooled in normal cycles for millenia....... without man.  We will not change that one way or the other.  Cooling and warming cycles have had their pluses and minuses.....depending on the location.

    The AGW CLUB (aka 'Flat Earth Society') have jumped on Gore's hoax like a fat boy on a cupcake.

    Please don't fall for it.

  3. Not really..... ummmmm...... it saves us money on our heating bill?

  4. there will also be some positive things that will result from global warming but these are minor compared to the problems. most of the experts that say it will be only good have not done there research.

  5. The only good thing to my mind to come from global warming is the demise of the human race as it is and its rulers.

    A new beginning with more empathy for the environment that we live in  would be possible.

  6. The Dust Bowl of the 30s was caused mainly by poor farming practices, not some great climactic catastrophe.  Using that as some sort of "proof" of the doomsday predictions for global warming is spurious at best.  The only truly devastating potential consequence of global warming is the possibility of the endless feedback, rendering our planet as uninhabitable as Venus.  

    Of course, the likelihood of that actually happening is just about nil, but it has to be mentioned.

  7. J S thanks for showing how illogical the global warming alarmists are.  You mean to say that we had droughts and heat waves PRIOR to the increases in CO2 due to man?  Aren't the alarmists the ones always criticizing people for confusing the facts especially when talking about weather and climate?  I guess they don't criticize when they confuse the facts themselves.  Yeah, the 1930s kind of throw a wrench in the whole global warming hoax, don't they?  Heat, drought, crop failures yet no significant CO2 increase anywhere to be found.  Kind of "inconvenient" to think that the warming of the Earth today might be natural and have nothing to do with CO2.

    I have my flame retardant underwear on so all of you alarmists feel free to flame me with your name calling.  Hopefully, some day one of you will actually make a logical argument instead of just the name calling...

  8. im afraid not once it starts it starts and theres no way we can stop it for good. evenyually it will take the best of us. : (

  9. Yes,  it makes Gore look even more stupid.

  10. In a few places, sure.  Canadian agriculture will very likely improve.

    But a few things like that will be completely overpowered by the bad effects.

    It won't be a Hollywood movie style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

  11. Of course there will be numerous benefits.  The only people that don't believe so are the gullible who are eager to believe the global warming doomsday cult.  Warming has always brought prosperity.  Cold has always brought calamity.  We are supposed to believe now that this warming is somehow bad.  It will only be bad if it warms far beyond what is expected and I am not referring to the expectations of a paranoid alarmists.  I am referring to reasonable expectations.  When you pretend that all warming is going to be bad, you lose your credibility.  Even a 5 year child should be able to see through that nonsense.  They will not admit to any benefits, save a few crumbs, because their cause would be ended and they know it.

  12. How many years, or actually thousands of years has the polar ice caps been melting?  With all these temperature increases, yet still I visit My grandmother on the East Coast who has lived in the same house that belonged to her family for over 130 years, yet the ocean shoreline has been in the same marked position for at least that long....  WHERE IS ALL THE WATER GOING??????

    Let me guess, this country is rising with the water level....  ROTFLMAO

  13. I agree with Jules G. The ONLY good thing is the extermination of the human race from the face of the planet. Maybe the next generation of creatures will smart, at least more than us, which isn't hard.

  14. No, very few experts believe this and the ones who do have a political agenda to avoid climate change policies.

    Experts believe that a number of people in Africa about the population of Mexico would be dislocated yearly due to drought. That's just one example of the forecast. Of course, many conservatives would be perfectly okay with this if it means better grape growing seasons.

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