
Is there a sweet potato in Peru named kumara?

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Is there a sweet potato in Peru named kumara?




  1. En una de las lenguas aymaras (una de las tantas lenguas que se hablan en Perú) al camote le llaman Kumara.

    Posición taxonómica del camote:

    Reino: Viridiplantae

    SubReino: Embryophyta

    División: Magnoliophyta

    SubDivisión: Angiospermae

    Clase: Magnoliosida






    Especie: Ipomea batatas

  2. sweet potato is camote

  3. no there is such a thing in New Zealand

  4. Kumara is the new Zealand name for the sweet potato or "Camote" as it is called in South America. The tuber is originally from South America and it was consumed extensively in Peru, Bolivia and Chile.

  5. dont know but there is one in NZ called a kumara

  6. i don't know what it is, but meybe it could be camote. ohhhhhh i love camote is delicious

  7. No, Kumara is the local version of a sweet potatoe which grows in Oceania, mainly in the Pacific rim islands and New Zealand and Australia. In the Caribbean islands it's called Ñame and in Peru it is called Camote. They are all different versions of the sweet potatoe, they have different external and internal colouring, depending on the area they are being grown. Basically they are all kind of yellowish/orange once you cook it and its sweeter that potatoes. Some Kumara skin may be kind of purplish (Camote may have some purple spots but the skin of camote is basically brown)

  8. I know a s**y little Russet in Peoria named Laura.

  9. yes

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