
Is there a team that you dislike...?

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For a reason OTHER than...

Being your team's rival OR beating your team in a post season/important game? Basically, is there a team you dislike for no good reason?

I don't like the Giants, but there's really no reason for it.




  1. I dislike your Sox for their racist history.

  2. I hate the Angels, mainly because the Yankees can't seem to get the best of them lately.

    And I kinda sorta hate the Diamondbacks, because of 2001.

    I don't really hate the Mets. They're the little brothers in New York, so I can't really detest them. I hate some of their Yankee-hating fans, though. Especially the ones that hate the Yanks more than the Braves and Phillies.  

  3. I've never liked the Orioles. No reason, just don't like them.I guess I don't like the Rangers either. They bore me.

  4. I love the Mets so that means I hate the Yanks

    but i also this year hate the philies but i have a reason thats because they are in 1st and mets are 2nd

    Also i have always hated the Braves but thats because they had/have a player named Chipper Jones and his face just annoyed me and come to think of it his name is irritating too...

  5. the Dodgers cuz people think i should go for them since im in LA but i dont  

  6. I HATE THE BRAVES!!!!!!!!!!! idk y i just do

  7. I'm a Phillies fan and I'm sick and tired of all the complaining that comes from the Mets camp.  It's always somebody else fault when they fall flat on their faces.  

  8. I cannot stand the Twins... I hate their uniforms.

  9. i hate the giants, cubs, yankees, mets, cardinals. thats only because i'm a stros fan.

    lance berkman for mvp!

  10. I'm a White Sox fan and for me it would be the Yankees.

    I don't have any great reason for not liking them, but I don't like them.

  11. Hmmm. I don't think so. I didn't like Boston much, but I don't dislike them much now that Manny is gone so really it was Manny I didn't like, not as much the team.  (I am still happy to see the Rays holding on to the division lead though).

    I don't really like the Dodgers but more so it's a handful of players I don't like (now including Manny). And they have some irritating fans.

  12. No I don't dislike any team. Now some of the fans is a different story but I enjoy watching all teams when mine is not playing.

  13. Waaaiitt the Giants were "O"s team werent they??

    I dont like the Red Sox or Yankees.. why? Because I have no legit reason they just dont rub me the right way.. :)

  14. the Mets because people think they are better than the Yankees , that stupid

    Greta why the 49ers, they are a good team,  i know why but s***w that

  15. I dislike the Rockies and the Cardinals for no good reason.

  16. no i dont.

    Yea whats with this talk about the 49ers. They still havent found a quarterback and are halfway through the preseason, they suck.

  17. You Hate the Giants?

    Well thats funny

    Becuase I really hate the Red Sox

    I cant stand them, the whole d**n world loves em

    But I know your a true fan

    49ers Too?

    Do you have a grudge against the Bay Area?

  18. =[, saddened by the fact that you dislike the Giants and 49ers.

    I really don't like the Marlins just because, there isn't a reason.

    edit: do you like tom brady? for the record, he was a 49ers fan growing up about 20 minutes out of San Francisco. He was also a Giants fan, because it was the local team.

  19. the Dodgers, I'm a Padres fan, is there any more explaining i need to do?  

  20. I don't like the Red Sox or Yankees because of how unbelievably cocky their fans are, I don't like the Pirates either, don't know why

  21. The Mets

  22. For no reason, I don't like the Yankees. They always get all the fame and glory. They're too popular of a team and everyone (there are true fans, but some aren't). Also, the Angels, except their I guess considered the rivals of the A's.

  23. The Angels cuz their d**n good.

  24. the yankees they have to much money i hate it they have a huge advantage in free agent signings.

    all that money and they still suck lol

  25. I've never been a fan of the Yankees. I don't know why either.

  26. I don't like the Astros.  They never beat the Mets in an important series, but throughout history they have been a thorn in their side.

  27. I don't know if it's dislike, but as a Chicagoan, I find it absolutely impossible to root for any team in any sport from New York or LA. (Probably a bad case of "Second City Syndrome".)

  28. the dodgers and the red sox!

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