
Is there a term for this philosophical idea?

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I'm looking for a simple one or two word term for a philosophical idea I've heard before.

The idea is that we are only currently living in the single moment. There is no time, or actions, just memories, hopes and "the now". This exact moment is the only one that exists and will exist.

I really love the notion that time and deeds are an illusion and the world is in fact entirely static, so can anyone tell me a term to sum up this idea more succinctly? I'm sure there must be an official one! Thanks!




  1. There's no term for your idea because it doesn't exist and is pretty dumb IMO.  It would actually be the opposite: there are actions and everything else that seems real to us is actually an illusion because it's only happening in our brain.  The time thing is a different idea..time is infinite so it could be everything or nothing important.

  2. the term you're looking for I think is NIHILISM

    Philosophy. a. an extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth.  

    b. nothingness or nonexistence

    also see the discover magazine article on how some physicists believe time may not exist

    Also a lot of writings about Near Death Experiences (NDEs) will talk about "the physical realm" as having no time when viewed from "the spirit realm".

    also try "Platoism with respect to time" and "reductionism with respect to time" to see if those fit

  3. The term you are looking for;

    Mindfulness is awareness of one's thoughts, actions or motivations. Mindfulness plays a central role in the teaching of the Buddha where it is affirmed that 'correct' or 'right' mindfulness is an essential factor in the path to enlightenment and liberation. It is the seventh element of the Noble Eightfold Path, the sadhana of which is held in the tradition to engender 'insight' and 'wisdom'

    Right mindfulness (often also termed Right meditation) involves bringing one's awareness back (i.e. from the past or the future) into the present moment. By residing more frequently in the present moment, practitioners begin to see both inner and outer aspects of reality. Internally, one sees that the mind is continually chattering with commentary or judgment. By noticing that the mind is continually making commentary, one has the ability to carefully observe those thoughts, seeing them for what they are without aversion or judgement. Those practicing mindfulness realize that "thoughts are just thoughts". One is free to release a thought ("let it go") when one realizes that the thought may not be concrete reality or absolute truth. Thus, one is free to observe life without getting caught in the commentary. Many "voices" or messages may speak to one within the "vocal" (discursive) mind. It is important to be aware that the messages one hears during "thinking" may not be accurate or helpful, but rather may be translations of, or departures from truth.

  4. try eternal now.

  5. I will answer gladly your clarion call, sir... ; ^ )

    1) The following was found during a simple google search, typing the words "The now moment"+Philosophical terms..

    2) Anyway the best I could come up with is a foreighn word: "Erlebnis"

    which loosely translated means "Lived Experience"(found in connection with philosopher Husserl, who seemed to have started 'Phenomenology"..)

    3) Best of luck.. hope it helps..

  6. thats quite out there, even as far as philosophy goes.

    I like your creativity but its so outlandish.

  7. It is called Zen.

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