
Is there a test that will determine if sugar, in all forms, is a major contributor to my IBS?

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I know high fructose corn syrup and refined sugars are bad for you, but what about the sugar in juice, beer, fruit and organic/raw sugar? Is there a test that might help determine if all sugars are affecting me?




  1. You may find this blog on IBS helpful:

  2. There is a test but only if you eat or drink that certain thing. Go to the lab in the hospital or a clinic and ask to have a test done. They will draw your blood but they can see if it is causing it or not.

  3. well im sure it is part of your problem. All growing up i had horrible stomach issues that no doctor could figure out. Only now did i realize it was my diet. Even if the food does not directly affect you, the way they are processed and used can change your hormone levels and cause your hole body to function improperly.  The best test would be to cut all those things out of your diet for a month or so and focus on eating correctly and see if you feel better. It's cheaper than a doctor and you'll probably feel better, more content and have more energy

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