
Is there a time limit a player is restricted to when taking a shot in billiards (8-ball)?

by  |  earlier

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player consistently takes 1-2 minutes for each shot




  1. Only if there is an officially designated shot clock being used. Wich I have seen happen to some slower players in tournament play. I hope that helps you , good luck

  2. If it's not a tournament, just league, you'll probably have to grin and bear it. It's irritating to say the least, but don't let it throw you off of your game. In APA I believe there is a guideline of 40 seconds, but that doesn't mean you get ball-in-hand at 41 seconds. I do think you can KINDLY  remind a player that they are past 40 seconds. Hope this helps!

  3. In the Pros there is a shot clock, 20 seconds. with one extension of 20 seconds per rack.  in the amateur league of APA, there is a guide line of an average of 40 seconds per shot.  Bar rules you pretty much can take as much time as you want.  It is not considered bad form to ask your opponent to speed up there shots.

  4. 30 seconds if it's BCA, but who's countin, anyway?  Just have FUN!

  5. where i play you can take as much time as you want, we're playin for over $3,000. when takin a hard shot you can call for time out and get help from ur best player on the team, but if ur playin on t.v., yes you would have a designated shot clock

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