
Is there a trick to getting up early???

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I am a late sleeper. I was wondering if there is any trick to getting up early? I dont wake up to an alarm clock. Also I am a really heavy sleeper.

Please Help,





  1.           You require seven to eight hours of sleep per night.  So, simply set your going-to-bed time eight hours before you wish to wake up. Believe me, it works.

  2. get someone to give you morning call

  3. go to bed earlier, get plenty of sleep, eat a balanced diet, and learn your sleep schedule.  some of us are not designed for early morns -there are plenty of jobs that can accomodate us.

  4. Give yourself a reason to get up. Make it a goal. Even if you really don't have to get up early, do it anyway. Change your body's habit of sleeping all morning.  

  5. Umm.Duhh Go To Sleep Really Early Or Get A Alarm Clock.A Really Loud One!

  6. Make sure you get in bed at a normal time.  Make sure to give yourself at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

    Also, just keep reminding yourself you have to get up early.  For some reason no matter how much sleep I get, I always get up when I need to.  It must be in my subconscious somewhere.

    After you do it for gets normal.  

  7. i sleep around like 1 a.m. get up around like 12 noon... but if i know i have something to do early in the morning no matter what time i go to sleep ill wake up like 30 minutes before the time i needed to wake up...idk how i just wake up probubly my consious

  8. Most of the time I set my alarm clock on my cell so i'll think its someone calling me and i set two alarms within 5 minutes of each other so if i fall asleep after the first one i'll get up to the second one or ask someone to wake you up just make sure you don't yell at them. HOPE THIS HELPS!!!

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