
Is there a trick to memorize scales for level 5 piano?

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I have my exam in about two weeks, and i haven't even memoirzed any of my scales yet!!!! IS there a trick to memorizing them?




  1. A friend taught me to remember the following (each "one" is a half-step):

    Key + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1

    It's easy to see that for the key of C, but looking at a slightly less obvious key, let's look at the key of "F":

    F + 2 = G

    G + 2 = A

    A + 1 = Bb

    Bb + 2 = C#

    C# + 2 = D#

    D# + 2 = F

    Now, when you practice scales, mentally see those intervals and you'll soon have it down pat.

  2. First, make sure your fingering is consistent every time, so when you cross over or under with a 4th finger, its always on the same note.  A trick i like to use is to put a piece of tape on every key I press with the 4th finger so i know when to cross.  Any other time i have to cross, i know its the third finger.  If you want to get fancy, you can use different colored post it notes (cut them up) for your left and right hands. You can probably perfect 3-5 scales a day easily this way.

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