
Is there a tuition free online high school?

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i am 22, i didnt finish high school, and now i am a parent so i really need my education to get a better job. Are there any online highschools that i can get the credits i need for free?




  1. I was 17 when i got pregnant and I was so sick I ended up having to drop out and I enrolled in the American School. The website is I am not sure what the age limit is to get ur diploma, but I am 21 now and just finished and should be recieveing my diploma in the mail soon. It  took so me so long to finish b/c I have 3 small kids, all back to back and I didnt continuoulsy work on my studies so it took me a while to finish. They are acreditted school so if you cant find nothing else check out the website. Also it is not a free program they do require a down payment and there is a payment options. I only paid like 40/month. So that was good for me!

  2. Check with your local community college for an Adult High School diploma program. Good luck to you.

  3. Sorry, not at your age. Cut-off in the US is 21 at the latest.

    Is there a way for you to do your GED? Or see if your local community college has a high school diploma program that's not too expensive?

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