
Is there a u.s. embassy in every country?

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I think it is probably a good thing to know before I start traveling.




  1. There is not a U.S. Embassy or Consulate in every country in the world. Only the ones, as others point out, that have formal diplomatic relations with the U.S. Which is quite a few. However, there is an embassy or consulate in most foreign places that Americans regularly travel to as tourists (Europe, South America, the Bahamas, etc.) More important than whether there is an embassy there, I think, is whether or not it is safe for you as an American to travel there. For example, there's a U.S Embassy in Iraq, but I wouldn't recommend going to visit just yet. For that information, you should read the department of state's travel warnings on their website. I've listed it below. They maintain a really good site that tells you more than you need to know about traveling abroad.

  2. No.  Just the ones we have diplomatic relations with.  And what are you planning to do in these other countries that might require the aid of our embassy, hmmm?

  3. all except terrorist countries like Iran, North korea, Sudan, etc et c

  4. Good question, I wanna see this answer.

  5. Well there are US Embassies in most of the countries except for Iran and a few other countries.

    However, if you want to know more please visit

  6. No...only those with which we have friendly relations and a reciprocal situation.

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