
Is there a union that combines truckers from companies w/o union?

by  |  earlier

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if truckers are united in anyway, there is some power, no?




  1. You can't have a union combining employees of non-unionized companies.  If you did, they wouldn't be non-unionized.

  2. you have no idea what your asking... you can get truckers to unite without a union. If your the only person in your company in a union its pretty pointless. If you can get like 2/3s of the guys you work with to back you on something then go for it. If you can't the strike won't be vary effective. If you get guys from other company's to back you, your probably going to get fired because its not going to hurt production losing 2-3 guys.

  3. There are certain rare instances where a shop  may be "open", that is, an employee can choose upon hiring, to join a union or not.  This can lead to a lot of tension within the shop, as union members look upon non-union members as scabs or management stoolies, placed to keep an eye on labor.

    Closed shops require that all waged employees be union members, which is more common, as it gives the union and labor more leverage against management.

    Trucking unions are, by definition, groups of employees banded together to promote the welfare of all members.  You can't have companies combine into a union without it being a union of sorts.

  4. There is the teamsters  which covers truckers . Then there are some companies that have there own union , that includes the truckers , that haul for them

  5. Not really, most trucking companies hate unions and the unions require individual organization for specific trucking companies as each company has totally different wage & pay scales and compensation packages. In other words a union couldn't generalize a contract for several independent companies rather would have to design a contract specific to the needs of the driver within a particular company. For the record though, get a union if at all possible! UTU may be able to help you organize within the trucking industry. Good luck!

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