
Is there a version of the peace corps not sponsored by the government and is more flexible on its assignments?

by Guest63132  |  earlier

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I looked at the government website for Peace Corps and decided that it was too inconvenient to be able to do. Are there any companies that sponsor similar programs that's don't last 27 months and are a little more flexible. Any answers would be greatly appreciated as I would like to check out any organization that would allow me to help make a better world and help others.




  1. There are a lot of religious organizations that offer short-term missionary possibilities.  You'd need to contact your own religious organization to find out what options they offer.

    I know that students will often go on short-term missions trips and spend just a summer helping out with some project.  So, that is something to consider.

    Or some people will get jobs overseas as English teachers.  Sometimes through missionary schools, sometimes through private schools, sometimes through companies.  The jobs are usually paid jobs, but the job might not pay enough to include transportation.  (And you'll need to be careful that it's a legitimate job as there are many scams out there.)  These jobs can often last just a year or two--especially if you are paying for your own transportation.

    And there are lots of charitable organizations that you could contact that might be willing to have a volunteer.  I think it would probably be best to decide first on the type of volunteering you'd be most qualified to help with (construction, educational, medical, organizing, etc.) and use that to help you decide which type of organizations to contact.

    The world is full of opportunities to help others and improve the world.  And they don't have to be halfway across the world.  You just have to figure out how you can help, and use that information to get started....

  2. You didn't say what "Flexible" meant; length of time, who you work for, what you do, how many DUIs (that last was a joke.) Here is my standard answer. People ask this question all the time. Usually they are looking for a shorter term of service or an organization that will take high school / college students during the summer.

    If you use YA's advanced search option for the words "Peace Corps" you'll get some sponsored links. Many will expect you (or your friends  and neighbors) to bear some or all of the cost.

    The Peace Corps gives you three months of training. You'll learn  your host country's language, history, religion(s) and culture, plus get some vocational training. (I learned Malay, Iban and Hokkien, then practice taught for six weeks, under the supervision of a master teacher, for instance.) They provide dental and medical care, a living allowance and some after-service placement counsling. They pay for your air fare over and back. It would not be cost-effective to do all that for someone who stayed on the job for a couple of weeks.

    If you want to pay your own way, provide your own medical / dental insurance and already speak the language, there are a number of organizations that will place you for as little as a week. Some people take two-week "working" vacations as volunteers and have a ball. Some don't even require you to speak the language. (Not a problem if you volunteer inside the USA).

    Here are two alternatives:

    (Based in the UK, takes volunteers from anywhere, has a six-month "programme" for people 18 - 25) I knew VSO volunteers when I was in the Peace Corps 30 years ago. They are a solid, well-known organization. These folks are sometimes known as the "British Peace Corps". They give you a small, modest salary, pay for your housing and medical insurance, and pay for your air fare home. You work in one of 30 countries. The normal term of service is a year.

    Student Conservation Association

    My daughter spent a summer with them. You pay for your food and air fare, they loan you a tent. You spend 4-6 weeks doing manual labor in a national park in the USA with a great bunch of other kids. They will take volunteers as young as 16. Your crew chief will be a young adult, and a ranger looks in on you every couple of days.

    Here are some others have mentioned. I know nothing else about them:

    This is the a long but comprhensive page about volunteering.

    It has a list of reputable organizations, but you should read

    the advice, too:

    You didn't ask, but those 27 months in the Peace Corps may be the high point of your life. You'll certainly be seeing the world in a new light, smelling new smells, eating new foods, meeting new people. They fly by. At 22, looking forward, they seem like a long time. At 60, looking back, they don't.

  3. check out Youth with a mission

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