
Is there a way I can listen to or download commercials from the radio?

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I heard this funny commercial for Food Maxx with a Turkey (or is it a chicken?) and a pig battling, and they do ro-sham-bo or whatever, and they couldn't tell who won... is there any way I can find this or download it?




  1. Sure you can use a search engine and maybe find it. Try "food maxx" (without the quotes) first.

    Or, keep a recording device hooked up to your radio and you grab it next time it rolls around.

    You could also try They play many local stations - and you can record right through their website.

    A long shot is to contact the station where you heard it and ask if they'll send you a copy, or tell you what agency prepared it, or tell you when it will air next so you can record it (see paragraph one ;<)

    -a guy named duh

  2. yes there a web sites, Google it

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