
Is there a way I can obtain supernatural abilities?

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I dont know why. I feel as if I'm different, not normal. And I have this desperation, to obtain powers. So is there any way, at all, that I can obtain supernatural powers? teleportation, flying, telekinesis, psychokinesis, astral projection, levitation, stop time by the wave of the hand, anything. All I want to know, is how?




  1. yea roll around in radioactive waste....u might grow a leg or sometin but its gotta be worth it

  2. Of course you can!

    Its quite simple really - all you need to do is stand the perfect distance away from a nuclear blast.  If you get too close, well you'll be turned to dust, and too far away and you'll be riddled with cancer.

    But the perfect distance, and you be super.  But hey, best still wear a lead lined cup just incase :)

  3. Oh dear. Everyone feels different. That in itself is normal. It would be a bit of a worry if you felt you were the same as everyone else. Seriously, its not normal to think you can obtain these supernatural powers like they're some kind of pokemon trading card. If supernatural powers even exist you are generally born with them. The only exception is those people who have access to radioactive waste.

  4. are there any radioactive spiders that you have access to?

  5. Meditate.

  6. I don't think any of these things are humanly possible, science is not that advanced yet! I have heard of telekinesis but I don't know how to obtain it. This may sound rude but it is not but that stuff is for Clark Kent and Clark Kent only, no human is able to fly! Sorry to break it to you though!  

  7. you shouldnt mess with that kind of stuff

  8. haha yeah! I feel like that too! I want Super powers... but as I see I think it may be hard to do that... well we don't know what may happen in the future maybe we may discover those powers, with our technology advances more, I think only time can tell, well maybe you can alter and mutate your cells and genes to produce enhanced abilities or new powers! or you can use hi tech gadgets! haha yeah!... That "roll urself to nuclear waste" is really funny! hahaha! yeah I think that may be possible too! hahaha!

  9. Be near a dumpster truck full of nuclear waste when a freak accident causes aforementioned waste to spill all over you. You'll either get mad superpowers or cancer.

  10. If this were possible, a significant portion of humanity would be doing it too, and we would have heard of this.  If you want legends, being bitten by a vampire might turn you into a vampire, which would give you several of the powers you desire.  You could summon the devil and barter for your soul, maybe get some powers that way.  I have never heard of these things being successful.

  11. become a scientist and you will be able to do things in the future that we, today, would thing are supernatural things.

  12. Look up lucid dreaming, it's very interesting stuff. Basically, you can't do those things in real life, but you can in your dreams.

  13. u can

    just spray kryptonite over u

  14. Don't we all.  

  15. no  ive never seen flying ppl before   except for fake movies

  16. Try Chris Angels fake wires, then pretend to levitate JUST LIKE HIM!

    Look If I were you I would ask batman, I think he got bit by a bat just like spiderman did a  Spider I think the best way you can 'obtain' things is being bit by a bug or a weird animal!  

  17. haha your question made me laugh really hard...sorry but you're gonna have to get over it honey. there's no way to get superpowers, especially not on yahoo answers. you're normal, just like the rest of us. sorry to break it to you! go do something active to get your mind off being *special*.  

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