
Is there a way I can start my period?

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Is there a way to make your body start your period,without birth control pills?




  1. If your period hasn't come in a few cycles and you are not pregnant. You can go to a doctor and they can prescribe you something like Provera that will start your cycle for you. Good Luck

  2. I guess the question is why do you want to start your period? If you're a young woman who's never had it before....slow down!! You don't want that nightmare just yet! I didn't get mine until after my 16th birthday and I couldn't be happier I had those extra summers without it. LOL

    If you're a grown woman trying to avoid your period coming at an inopportune time (like a vacation or a wedding) I would avoid taking a pill to jump start you. It is a bad idea to mess with mother nature. I suppose you could always take the pill to prevent your period from happening during this time. One way I can avoid my period or push it back a week or two is with heavy exercise. I just run/jog/etc a lot to avoid my period.

    If you are very thin or very overweight or exercise very much that could also be a reason you're not getting your period. Many heavy duty athlete women have no period at all (gymnastics, running, swimming, dancing...anything can delay the onset of your period) If you have too little body fat your body won't allow you to ovulate and have a period because your body wouldn't be able to support a pregnancy. Your body thinks you're starving, and if you're too overweight your body produces a lot of hormones it shouldn't which will also stop your period.

    Good Luck! Hope this helps!

  3. No not really there are other pills such as Provera. But other than that no. Take a HPT and maybe go to the doctors. Other than that of you are just a young girl who wants her period, don't be in any rush its not much fun, and when you are TTC its a nightmare when aunt flow comes along. Good Luck!

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