
Is there a way bush can stay in office if he starts another war.?

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Yea I knew there was.This is his plan




  1. Bush didn't start the war Einstein, Saddam did.

  2. You bet their is !!!!!

  3. Nope.  Should Barack get in, he could go ahead and surrender and end it on his first day.

  4. Bush didn't bomb the trade centers or threaten other countries with WMD's for no reason then train America's children 10 and under in military combat while telling America's women that their primary goal is to serve men and that they may not show their faces in public. Osama and Saddam did though. That's how THEY started wars. And if another one was started Bush would still be out of office. He's a lame duck. He'll be out in no time and the liberal congress and media will high five eachother over another conservative legacy destroyed by their constant spinning and lawmaking.

  5. No.

  6. Lmao, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he found some loophole.

  7. No.  

  8. I'd love to know how Steve M thinks Saddam started the Iraq war. Who's the Einstein again?

  9. FDR's reign as President stopped that from happening. However, explore the possibility that John McCain nominate him for VP. Got the picture, yet? Then McCain resign due to his ill health and age and allow George Bush to succeed him. McCain then goes back to the Senate and continues collecting his social security as usual. How's that for a scenario!

  10. Bush didn't start a war, muslim extremists did.

    Wouldn't matter rule is 2 terms and your out.

    Once that new president inaugurated, your outta there.

    Bush wouldn't start another war, Putin or Mahmoud Ahmidinijad would.

    Idiotic liberal thinking.

  11. Nope.

  12. miamivc, dino, and delphi, instead of listening to the Daily KOS or or the other Bush hating conspiracy theorists, why don't you read the Constitution. Delphi, you mentioned "A year or so ago he passed something that said he could if Martial Law were activated. d**n I can't remember the particulars. The info must be available". First, ANY President CAN"T pass anything other than gas. What he signed was an Executive Order on the succession of government. EVERY president signs the same version of this executive order. It has to be changed when administrations change. Have you read it? There are no provisions in it that allow for the canceling of elections. There have been contingency plans for the implimentation of martial law since the beginning of the country.

  13. I think there is. A year or so ago he passed something that said he could if Martial Law were activated. d**n I can't remember the particulars. The info must be available.

  14. Yes, there is.  

    If Bush were to be named McCain's VP candidate, and McCain were to be elected, then Bush would be VP and next in line for the presidency.  Should McCain become incapacitated, then Bush would assume McCain's presidency.

    The election will go on, and Bush cannot be on the ticket as a presidential candidate.

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