
Is there a way for facebook people to block their pages?

by  |  earlier

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there's this guy's page that i checked several times before.

but now whenever i click his name, his page opens and i can look for a few seconds and then it says "internet explorer cannot open the page (and then it gives the link). operation aborted."

what does this mean? did it mean that he blocked me from seeing his page? and this only happens when i use the new facebook and not the old one.. what's goin on?




  1. Operation Aborted errors usually occur when some JavaScript is trying to interact with an element before that element has finished building.

    Most browsers are fine with this, but MSIE has problems. Third party adverts are the usual cause.

    I'd suspect a s***w up on the part of a Facebook advertiser rather then something intentional by the person's page.

    The easiest way to bypass the problem, as a user who can't edit the page, is to change to a different browser which doesn't have that bug.

    Three good options:

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