
Is there a way how to avoid getting sick in winter.?

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in winter i was always get stomach viruses and i want to know how to avoid them.




  1. not to eat foods u don't usually eat and to take medicine

  2. Carry hand sanitizer, and wash your hands like crazy. Refrain from touching your face, of eating, or putting anything in your mouth before washing them. After you shake a persons hand, or opening up a door, or after touching anything that anyone else has touches sanitize your hands.  

  3. Build your immunity up. Taking Vitamin E and vitamin C will Help,there are also some immunity helpers in your Diary case, By Dannon Yogurts. Or you can increase foods that provide vitamins C and E Increasing yogurts with live cultures, is excellent for the Digestive tract .  

  4. It's hard to avoid, but there are definitely ways that will lessen the chances. Wear lots of warm clothes and avoid coming near people are sick. I always try to avoid shaking hands or touching people during the winter because that's how it starts a whole chain of sickness.  

  5. Make sure you wash your hands often. Many patients in my mum's clinic confess that they don't um usually wash their hands that much during winter coz 'the water is way to cold'..!

    Washing your hands is the only thing that may help to prevent stomach viruses.

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