
Is there a way i can call or email a psychiatrist?

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for free. or not?




  1. try the samaritans they are free!!

  2. Call one from the phone book and your insurence should cover it if you see them.

  3. emails are not careful

  4. you might want to check the book.

    the yellow pages.


    gee x

  5. NOT, quacks cost cash !

  6. More likely not, but just ask question on Yahoo answer and there are many psychiatrist online who will help you.

  7. I would call an emergency mentel help line.

  8. No, but simply hunt them down on online phone directories and then phone them or email their medical centre or hospital. I don't think they would reply as they like a couple of hundred dollars for a first visit. The other problem is that they assess people on what they say, what they do and how they look. Additionally there may be risk of harm or vulnerability, Psychiatrists are  experts in prescribing medication which may also be a problem by email. Trust your local family doctor to refer you to someone if it is needed.  

  9. i went to college fo a phycologist but now im lawyer i can help you though

    fo free


  10. Psychiatrist is a human being and have their own goal. I believe there's a loving and caring psychiatrist (a spiritualist) who give free consultation. You must seek it yourself.

  11. Ummm, tell me your problems, I'm a great listener and that's all you need.

    That's all a shrink does anyway but charges an arm and a leg and often your first born child to do the same thing.

    The farther you stay away from a shrink, the healthier you will always be. These quacks only make you crazy.  

    There should be a hunting season for these quacks with a $1000 bounty to thin out the herd. LOL


  12. not free.

    there is kids help phone.

    that's pretty good.

    the number is 1 800 668 6868.

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