
Is there a way in Ubuntu 8.04 to send more power to a internal wireless adapter?

by  |  earlier

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I have a wireless adapter located on the second floor of my house and am looking for a cheap(free) way to get a better connection




  1. Type "man iwconfig" (without quotes)in the console and look for the txpower option. If the wireless card supports it, you can change it to setting that the card supports and that can vary between manufacturer.

  2. Get NDSWrapper or something like that, it is in your packet snippet tool.  Get the .ini files from a windows xp machine and copy them to the Linux box, then using this utility, you can get it working using this file.

  3. No not really, I would suggest taking a look at your location of the wireless adapter. You can build a nice wireless reflector out of tin-foil and cardboard which will help direct the signal to you (

    or you could always use an external high gain antenna, these can be brought or built from old pringles cans.

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