
Is there a way of blocking a certain type of website.?

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We have a 7 year old girl who we allow to use the internet. She plays on an interactive pet website, but we are concerned that although she isn't left alone anyway, she may accidentally access some chat room or whatever. We don't use these ourselves and Yahoo Answers is the nearest we have come to this sort of thing (Yes i know, they aren't the same at all)




  1. Assuming your using internet explorer, go to tools, internet options or options, go to content, add a password and the type of stuff you want to block, and then your good to go.

  2. Set up Parental Controls

    You can use Parental Controls to help manage how your children use the computer. For example, you can set limits on your children's access to the web, the hours that they can log on to the computer, and which games they can play and programs they can run.

    When Parental Controls blocks access to a webpage or game, a notification is displayed that the webpage or program has been blocked. Your child can click a link in the notification to request permission for access to that webpage or program. You can allow access by entering your account information.

    Before you get started, make sure that each child that you want to set up Parental Controls for has a standard user account because Parental Controls can only be applied to standard user accounts. To set up Parental Controls for your child, you'll need an Administrator user account. Parental Controls cannot be applied to an Administrator user account. For more information about user accounts and setting them up, see What is a user account?

    To turn on Parental Controls for a standard user account

    Click to open Parental Controls. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

    Click the standard user account for which you want to set Parental Controls.

    Under Parental Controls, click On.

    Once you've turned on Parental Controls for your child's standard user account, you can adjust the individual settings that you want to control. You can control the following areas:

    Web restrictions. You can restrict the websites that children can visit, make sure children only visit age-appropriate websites, indicate whether you want to allow file downloads, and set up which content you want the content filters to block and allow. You can also block or allow specific websites. For more information, see Limit the content that children can view on the web.

    Time limits. You can set time limits to control when children are allowed to log on to the computer. Time limits prevent children from logging on during the specified hours and, if they are already logged on, they will be automatically logged off. You can set different logon hours for every day of the week. For more information, see Control when children can use the computer.

    Games. You can control access to games, choose an age rating level, choose the types of content you want to block, and decide whether you want to allow or block unrated or specific games. For more information, see Specify which games children can play.

    Allow or block specific programs. You can prevent children from running programs that you don't want them to run. For more information, see Prevent children from using specific programs.

    Set up Parental Controls activity reports

    You can use activity reports to view your children's online activities.

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