
Is there a way of him seeing his child....

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Is there a way of my fiancé seeing his child without his ex around, he feels that it is best because he finds it hard being around her because she has caused him alot of hurt and pain by not letting him see his son and caused alot of troble etc

Is there a way that he can see his 4 year old child without the mother around?




  1. If it is his child, he could request joint custody and be able to have visitation every other weekend or so. It's in the best interest of the child if your boyfriend and the child's mother could get along.

  2. he should get legal joint custody of the child. even right now, she could up and decide not to let him see him again. she has control over the situation and they both need to have equal control. she loves it im sure to be able to sit around and see you and him squirm while she watches. that isn't right for him or his son. you cannot bond with someone looking over your shoulder. she is always there to retract the attention. if there is no valid reason he hasn't been able to see his son alone, then ther is no reason for him not to have joint custody. then he can pick him up and drop him 2 days later or whatever is agreed upon.  

  3. If she says no then his only option would be to go to court and get visitation or joint custody.

  4. He needs to go to court and request visitation.  If the mother harasses him when he goes to pick up the child, he can request that pickups and dropoffs take place at a neutral/public location, such as a park or the police station.

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