
Is there a way of making sure the shock of something does not wear off?

by Guest63403  |  earlier

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I had some new today which I don't think I can cope with, not easily anyway, but at the moment the shock of it has sort of just left me all dead inside, no feeling. I don't want to go through the weeks of utter misery I am about to face, is there anything I can do to make sure this shock does not wear off? If I can stay all numb like this then I will be okay... well okayish.




  1. I'm sorry but you have to face up to the realities because you have to deal with them before you can move on with your life.  

  2. i'm in exactly the same position atm, with stress piling up and bad news kicking me in the face periodically, so if you do find anything that makes it better (weed and alcohol help me, but each unto there own) let me know.... good luck for the next few weeks, i hope everything turns out for the best

  3. I am not sure what exactly you are going through, but there are stages of grief.

    I lost my father to suicide.  I went through shock and then dealt with it more.  It took me a long time, but I coped with it as well as one can.  I went to support groups and individual therapy.

  4. everything happens in due course.

    sorry but it can't last, it's just not healthy.

  5. No, sorry, life just isn't like that.

    Honestly though - you will grow through the pain you seem to think you have to come.  All experience is good and worthwhile even though not all of it is enjoyable.

  6. drink? joke. not advisable.  

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