
Is there a way of making your music into ringtunes on a cell phone?

by  |  earlier

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If i put a song on my cell phone , can i make it into a ringtune, Cause i think there is a way on my phone, its a sony ericsson w200a. If i just put it on the m2 card in the ringtunes section maybe?




  1. at VENTONES.COM you upload a song, take part of it, up to 30 sec. of it, that is your ringtone, then ventones will send your ringtone to your phone. it is free.

    it is the only free site i trust. it is safe, no spam, no hidden charges.

    worth to try.  

  2. First get the mp3 file onto your computer - I'm not sure quite how to do that with your phone, but you can probably figure it out. Then, go to, and select "upload a ringtone". Upload your song, and crop it. Presto, a ringtone that can be either texted to your phone, or downloaded onto your computer, and then transferred onto your phone. Good luck!

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