
Is there a way of preparing fresh garlic and preserving it?

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Is there a way to prepare it in bulk and maybe put it in a jar to use as needed? I love garlic but hate the odour on my hands - despite trying stainless steel / salt / lemon to get rid of it. I would love to find a solution to this - as I know you can buy Lazy garlic in the shops - think it must have vinegar in it to pickle it...any ideas are greatly appreciated. thnx




  1. freeze//refrigerate it. well actually, u can already buy chopped no need to peel in the grocery. orrr

    you can store it in olive oil. well this will be limited in use though. but it will give flavor to the oil + preserve the garlic

  2. Keep the garlic in a jar in your fridge (2 weeks max).  But, make sure the jar is close tightly.

  3. Preserving it in vinegar will keep for as long as you want.

  4. There probably is but yesterday I found in Tesco's for 59p a small jar of Garlic Gloves(but lots were in the jar)suspended in brine. All prepared. And once opened I think they last for around a month.

    I found a Garlic Bulb for 35p but that would need to be prepared.

    Some supermarkets stock(made by Sharwood's)a Garlic Puree in a tube that lasts for ages and saves you having to crush Garlic. I am told it tastes as good and can be used as the real Garlic.

  5. The best way to preserve garlic is to freeze would think that by simply covering them with oil would do...but ,actually that environment is perfect for growing botulism.and those found in stores have preservatives added to the oils...

  6. You can use Sunflower oil or vegetable oil. Chop the garlic up into slices or small chunks, put it in a jar, add sunflower or vegetable oil, s***w lid on tightly.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  7. Buy lots, chop it all at once and freeze  in Zip loc freezer bags.  It's ready when you are.

  8. do what i do. i cook eastern/western. (chinese, mostly all asian and american mix)  i'll buy half pound fresh peeled, cut off rough ends, stick that in the food processor with some olive oil and store that in the fridge.  it will keep for a month max. it's usually gone by then anyway.

  9. There are a few things you can do...

    Peel the cloves and chop in a food processor...for general purpose I chop mine to medium fine.  Then put it in a zip loc bag and press it flat to about 1/4" thick and lay it flat in the freezer until it's frozen.  (You can stand it upright against the wall of the freezer after it's solid). Depending on the temperature of your freezer, you might want to either double bag it or wrap it in foil or additional plastic wrap.  I suppose my freezer was set too high and my garlic freezer burned after about three months. Additional wrap will help extend it's shelf life in the freezer.

    Then when you need garlic, you can open up the bag and break off as much as you need.

    You can also put whole peeled cloves in a jar of oil..I use olive, but any oil you regularly use is fine.  Then when you need to saute in garlic oil you just pour some out.  Also use it to make salad dressing, foccaccia...just make sure the garlic is always completely submerged under oil or it will mold eventually.  Top off the jar when the oil starts to get low. You can also fish cloves out of the oil to cook with.

    You can also roast heads of garlic, mash and mix it with room temperature unsalted butter, salt and pepper (I mix in some minced parsley) and freeze that.  Then when I want garlic bread, I thaw some, spread it on and into the oven...instant roasted garlic bread.  This can also be done with oil.

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