
Is there a way of releasing certain opiates in the brain without using illegal or addictive drugs?

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Is there any form of being in a drugged state (the release of opiates in the brain), without actually consuming any illegal drugs? I'm not talking about just any opiates. I specifically mean the ones that are usually released through the consumption of illegal drugs. If there is a way, would it be healthy to use it?




  1. I'd like to clarify a few things:

    1. Opiod drugs do not release endorphins in the brain. Instead, they mimic the endorphins that are naturally produced.

    2. Normally, endorphins are released in response to pain (and some other stimuli), so that we can deal with it consciously, while the body takes care of itself physically. They bind to opiod receptors in the central nervous system and then are quickly broken down. This is a healthy, short-term response, but can be inadequate for severe or chronic pain.

    3. Patients take prescription (e.g. oxycontin) and illegal (e.g. heroin) drugs for pain relief or euphoria (to get high).  This is because these drugs stick to the opiod receptors longer, and are broken down more slowly, than naturally produced endorphins. This is also why we experience physical dependence and withdrawals, when the drugs are removed from our bodies.

    There is no way to force your body to synthesize opiod drugs, and there is no way to get a natural high that would be physically equivalent to the drug response. If there were, we'd be be too naturally numb to the world and fall prey to natural dangers.

    However, there are plenty of people who successfully manage pain without medication, through meditation, prayer, whatever.

    There are many people who describe pleasant, but strenuous activity as "painfully invigorating" (runner's high, etc.).

    And good s*x definitely causes natural endorphin release, causing people to forget about their daily aches and pains (at least for a little while).

    Your body will also release endorphins in response to the pain evoked from eating chili peppers. I will personally attest that a chili "high" is quite attainable, if you're willing to experience the pain.

    The body releases endorphins in response to pain in order to keep you focused and conscious in the presence fo potential danger. Are these highs any "better" or "worse" than  one induced from consuming a synthetic opiod? Perhaps, perhaps not. But it's hugely psychological.

  2. Extreme exercise, some forms of meditation, and strangely (and strongly discouraged) self inflicted pain like cutting or burning.

  3. s*x.

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